Achieve it all
Couple membership is great if you want to have the flexibility to visit the club whenever you want, together or separately. Doubling your motivation but saving 10% on two Individual memberships.
To get you started
Once you join, we will get you started on the right track whatever your fitness journey and goals. We offer these great get started sessions:

*additional costs apply
Get Your Free Pass
Please enter your postcode to find your nearest Total Fitness Club
Child & Infant Membership
Add your child to your membership, get fit together and have fun for a small additional cost.
Family Time
Enjoy time working out together or having fun in the pools during our dedicated family hours: Family swim times 8.00am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 8.00pm Monday to Friday, and 8.00am to 6.45pm Saturday to Sunday Kids under 15 can get fit and have fun in club between 8am-8pm Monday to Friday, and 8am to 7pm Saturday to Sunday
Getting Started
Once you join, we will get you started on the right track whatever your fitness journey and goals. We offer these great get started sessions: Free warm up session Free JNR Go Session for 11-14 year olds Free introduction to swimming session Personal Training bundle*

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our team?
Call our friendly, professional membership team