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Company update

Member Images with identifiable information: 17th June 2024

We are a members-only club and as part of our joining and access control processes, we ask our members to provide a photo of themselves (head and shoulders). This protects their membership from being used by someone else and helps us to identify them should we need to locate them in one of our facilities.

On 11th June 2024, we discovered that 114 images provided by members included some personally identifiable information (PII). These images have been deleted.

We have communicated to all members whose images were of concern and notified the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). We will work with the ICO on any enquiries they have on the matter.

Total Fitness takes its responsibilities in this area extremely seriously and has acted without delay and with an abundance of caution. We are being supported by external experts and contacted any affected members and the ICO without delay.

It is not our policy to request head and shoulders images of members that include information other than a photo of themselves for access control procedures. We have made it a priority to underline this fact to staff and make this clearer in our communication to new members joining from home.

Am I affected?

If your member image was part of the 114 you will have been contacted via email (or post if we hold no email for you), on 17th June 2024. If you were not contacted your member image does not include any personally identifiable information (PII.)

My image has gone from the app

Our image bank is temporarily suspended so all member access photos are not currently visible. We will restore this once we’ve completed some work to ensure our access control imagery is stored differently. You do not need to take a new photo unless you have been contacted.

I have further questions

We are committed to providing any support you might need, if you have any questions please contact a member of the team via email at

Thank you,

Team Total Fitness

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